Cancellation and Refund Policy

Unless explicitly specified otherwise, all purchases done on Wedbee are non-refundable. This includes purchases by end-customers of products like 'subscriptions, products on the marketplace, etc' as well as purchases by wedding businesses, and vendor's subscriptions.

However, when a vendor is booked by a user after discovering them on Wedbee, the vendor's 'Refund & cancellation' policy will apply to those bookings done by Wedbee. In case the same isn't explicitly shared, we recommend that the same be checked before booking.

Wedbee reserves the power to restrict, totally or partially, the access of certain users on user and vendor apps, and to cancel, suspend, block, edit, or delete certain types of content, or cancel the accounts of users who misuse the Website, if Wedbee acquires actual knowledge that the activity or stored information is unlawful or harms property or rights of another, Wedbee will not approve to put those data and information’s.

Subscriptions once purchased will be not refundable to the vendor and user, only in the vendor app if any user is found spam vendor requests get refund for the particular amount we deducted.

We don't provide any physical services like catering and others we have a platform where customers can find their vendors on our website.