privacy policy

As you use services by Wedbee, we want you to be clear on how we’re going to collect information and use it. Our Policy explains what information we collect, why we collect it and how we are going to use it. We reserve the right to make changes to these Privacy Policies of Application by updating this page. Revised policies take effect as soon as they are published.
Collection and Use of Personally Identifiable Information and Other Information for Customers and Vendors:-
To help you, our users efficiently access the information provided on our platform or portal, we collect certain information from you. You may be required to register your name, address, e-mail ID, Facebook account, phone number and other similar information. This information is collected to customize the content you see, to be able to adhere to your specific requests and to contact you about our services.
Certainly, you can browse the website without having to input personal information. You have the option of not providing any details. But we may automatically track certain information that is pulled up by category selections, omissions, etc. on our website and Application or other platforms. We use this information to be as user-friendly as possible, catering to personalized needs and requirements. This may include the date and time of visiting the website, your IP address, browser type, etc.
We use software mechanisms such as cookies to help us analyze further information. Cookies are small files that allow the user’s computer to store the user’s information. They can be both permanent and temporary. The cookies do not contain any Personally Identifiable Information. Cookies are also used to allow easier access to your account, such as automatic log-in and not having to enter a password each and every time you use the website. You are always allowed to decline cookies, though it may bar certain features on the site as well as require you to re-enter your password more often. You may encounter cookies or other similar files on the website that belong to third parties. We do not control these and are not responsible for the same.
If the call shall be from a telemarketer, after the complaints by you legal action can be taken against the telemarketing firm after warning so that they cannot access your details from our website application.
If you contact us personally, or a third party sends us information about your activities on the website, we may collect this information and are not entitled to notify you.
We also use personal information to market to you, with the option of opting out of this. Personal information is also used for purposes such as troubleshooting, safer service, understanding consumer interest, informing you about offers, services and products pertaining to your needs, and detecting and avoiding error, fraud or criminal activity.
We may share personal information with other affiliates to further provide related services. Those entities may or may not be marketed to you. We may disclose personal information if required by law or other legal processes. We will share personal information with associates or businesses linked to us, pertaining to your requirements.
Links to other websites:- Application has links with other online entities. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of these third-party websites. Users should click on these external links at their own risk. We encourage you to review their Privacy Policy and Terms of Use if required.
Consent:- By accessing Application or providing information on our portal, you are in automatic agreement with this Privacy Policy.
Governing Law:- This Privacy Policy of Application is under the jurisdiction of India, thereby adhering to the law of the Indian government.
Contact:- For further enquiries or information, feel free to mail us at